It is responsible for male sexual characteristics, increased muscle mass, strength and bone density, the distribution of fat throughout the body, patterns of hair loss, male strength and energy and, of course, libido and fertility, so if we are looking for a child, it is important to keep their levels in check hemp oil knoxville tn.
Testosterone is the most important hormone in the group of male androgens, and certainly the most famous among men. It is responsible for male sexual characteristics, increased muscle mass, strength and bone density, the distribution of fat throughout the body, patterns of hair loss, male strength and energy and, of course, libido and fertility, so if we are looking for a child, it is important to keep their levels in check. Woom Fertility explains:
Like all sex hormones, testosterone is derived from cholesterol and its immediate precursor is DHEA. The pituitary gland is responsible for controlling its production by the testicles and according to the phases of the day this varies, reaching a maximum peak during the morning and a lower peak at night.
In addition, it is during puberty that the highest peaks of testosterone occur in men; this stage is where male expressions take place and are maximized, such as growth of the penis and testicles, increased facial, pubic and body hair, voice change, increased muscle mass, muscle strengthening and growth in height.
The symptoms that warn of poor testosterone levels generally make it difficult to achieve a pregnancy, since in addition to the lack of sexual desire, they also manifest with poor erections, low sperm production, less motivation and lack of energy. Physically there is also a loss of muscle mass, an increase in the percentage of fat and bone fragility.
Can you increase the levels?
With a healthy diet and lifestyle, testosterone levels can be increased, while a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle produces the opposite effect.
Regarding diet, it is important to incorporate foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals, as well as monounsaturated fats and Omega3, into the diet. Minerals such as zinc are essential for the production of testosterone as it prevents it from converting into estrogen preventing the aromatas enzyme from doing its job, this mineral helps to produce healthier sperm and an increase in the level of sperm.
Foods such as tuna, milk, eggs, oysters, shellfish, meat, avocados, nuts, brown rice, beans, grapes, garlic, honey, cabbage, and watermelon are very beneficial for keeping testosterone levels in good shape.
Factors that reduce testosterone levels
Alcohol is one of the substances that least helps testosterone as it makes it difficult for the liver to break down estrogen, thus increasing estrogen levels and decreasing testosterone levels. So now you know, if you want to maintain good testosterone levels it is important to control your alcohol intake.
On the other hand, the higher the percentage of body fat, so are the estrogen levels; body fat contains an enzyme called aromatase that converts “male” testosterone to “female” estrogen, causing estrogen levels to drop.
That is why it is interesting to maintain good muscle tone and physical shape, something that is achieved with good nutrition and exercising regularly. Likewise, German scientists discovered that having a simple erection produces an increase in testosterone levels, thus deducing that being sexually stimulated also favors the levels of this hormone.