Online chat rooms are tricky places. One tip is that even if you feel quite intimate with the person or people you are chatting with, never forget proper decorum. Sometimes, people get too comfortable with the idea that the chatting is impersonal so they start behaving in an offensive manner. This is not the character you would want to be associated with.
The primary rule is to always be polite. You do not always see all the people you are chatting with online so you cannot be sure of their ethnicity, religious beliefs, and political views. Stay away from topics that may lead to arguments. You want to be known as smart and sensible, not the jackass who says things without thinking.
Another thing is to pay attention. Just like when having a normal conversation with your friends in your living area, you don’t cut anyone off when they’re still talking. Let them finish and let what they say sink in before you start answering. Try to remember what topic you are in and go on from there. If at one point you get disinterested, don’t stop abruptly. Just say you get what they’re saying then try to steer the topic away or say you need to go offline for a bit.
Lastly, don’t be a bugger. When a person who tries to catch your attention keeps on buzzing you every 2 seconds that you don’t reply, you will definitely get annoyed. So don’t nag others too. It gives off a negative, desperate, clingy vibe that a lot of people won’t appreciate. []