Homeopathy, acupuncture, phytotherapy and biomagnetism are natural therapies that have attracted attention for years. These therapeutic practices Hapé, considered alternatives, raise various questions in the majority of the population. Today we will try to answer the most common ones so that you know all its benefits. So, keep reading or consult our Master in Reflexology.
What are natural therapies?
Natural therapies are an alternative to conventional medical methods. Most of them can be mixed with Western medicine and reinforce the positive health effects.
The main objective of these therapies is the same as any practice related to the health sector. This means that it seeks to eliminate the symptoms of ailments, pathologies and diseases. Also, we want to combat the physical and mental pain that mostly affects all people.
Most common natural therapies
There are various health practices and treatments that fall within alternative therapies . Some have been in use for thousands of years and others are relatively new, so their benefits are often debated by the scientific community.
Some of the best-known natural therapies to date are the following:
Benefits of alternative therapies
In general, it is said that many natural therapies have three main objectives. The first is that they help heal in conjunction with the practices, drugs and treatments of conventional Western medicine. The second is that they promote the recovery of vital energy between mind and body. And thirdly, they strengthen the body and mind to reinforce the body’s natural defenses to prevent future diseases and pathologies.
Another of its great benefits is that it reduces occasional or chronic insomnia. They also prevent the rest of the problems related to lack of quality sleep such as irritability, nervousness, hyperactivity and memory loss.